Hello. My name is Debbi Rollo, a patriot and promoter of liberty, individual rights, and the reading of the U.S. Constitution. I believe that the U.S. Constitution is one of the most important historical documents in American history, and it is our duty and privilege to read, study, and uphold it as the supreme law of the land. My hope is that this website and my message will inspire people to read the Constitution to create a heart and mind of liberty. This site is intended to serve as a resource about the Constitution and other liberty topics.
I am the author of two U.S. Constitution rhyming books, “U.S. Constitution Rhymes” volume 1 and 2, as a companion to the Constitution, so it could be understood in a fun and engaging way. I believe that in order to truly learn and love something you need to understand it. The United States Constitution is worth learning and loving! As a former homeschooler and lifelong student of the Constitution and American History, I understand how important it is to teach and learn in engaging ways that pique interest and inspire the love of learning. I love discovering new, creative ways to share the message of American liberty.
What is so great about the U.S. Constitution?
Living in a free society without being restricted by an oppressive government is vital to exercise our unalienable rights of LIFE, LIBERTY, and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. It is the lifeblood of each person born on earth and what we are endowed to be – free! The Constitution was established to secure these rights and provide a nation of laws and liberty. Within this miraculous document of laws, rights, rules, regulations, and limits, are vital values and principles, which understood and followed, can give us hope that we can maintain our liberty, giving us our best chance to become our best self and prosper.
Why should we read the U.S. Constitution?
Because it is the form of government in which we are governed, and since we are the governed, we should know how our country runs.
Because we must know our rights in order to defend them, and the Constitution lists those rights.
Because by understanding the laws and limits of government, we are better equipped to hold our elected officials accountable and participate in the self-government process.
Because knowledge gives us power.
Because there are important values and principles found in the Constitution that are important in unifying our country and improving ourselves, families, communities, and this nation.
Because of so many other reasons that I cannot list.
When we play a game, such as Monopoly, Clue, or even Uno, it is important to know the rules of the game. When we play a brand new game, the first thing we do is read the instructions so we can play it properly. We, as citizens, are in the game of the Democratic Republic of the United States of America, and since we are playing it is our responsibility to know the rules. Otherwise, we become like pieces on a game board, being moved at will by those in power, not understanding what or why things happen in the game, then complaining about it. The Constitution is the rule book for our country, one we should read and understand.
More about the Constitution
The Constitution established a Constitutional Democratic Republic, a government built on principles and values that gave the people a voice and placed limits on government, established by the people for the people. In a time when power generally came from kings or military power, came a revolutionary sovereign system (the Constitution) in which the source of government power is the people!
The purpose of the founding of the U.S. Constitution was liberty and self-government. It asserts that we are to be governed by law and not by individuals, where our loyalty is to the Constitution and its principles and processes, not to an officeholder, king, or military tyrant. Liberty is to be treasured, and the Constitution spells out how our great nation operates in order to “secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity”, as stated in the Preamble to the Constitution.